Soup Ramblings

All this cold damp weather lately, and heavy holiday food gave me the thought that some kind of soup was in order.  And bread.  Because I always, always have to make bread.

So I basically just started pulling things from the fridge…

Wilting celery, leftover carrots from a vegetable tray, corn, an old potato, onion, garlic and a little leftover holiday ham.  I also threw in some frozen peas, because I love peas.

I’ve been feeling a little anxious and agitated these last few days.  Probably because I really haven’t gotten any of the things I hoped to accomplish done over the four day weekend.

The parmesan rind… a must.

I really want to take down the tree today.  It’s losing its needles and has become the new playground area for the remaining three puppies.  They play under the tree, beating the living shit out of each other, causing even more needles and decorations to fall.  It’s a miracle the thing still stands.

I’m just not into holidays this year. There are a few personal issues weighing heavy on my mind.

But enough of that pity party. The good news is the New Year is right around the corner, a time to look forward to making changes and getting back on track. And finding homes for the last few puppies.

Speaking of changes, today (hopefully) my goal is to load up my useless 600-700 lb. pig who has not served her purpose of getting pregnant, and take her to the livestock sale to see what I can get for her.  These animals have to start paying for themselves or contribute in some good way or another to the farm.  I’ve been slacking with that goal. Time to cut losses. Whatever profit I get will go into the farm account I’m going to start this week.  Of course this is assuming she will cooperate and actually get in the trailer.  And not crush me to death in the process.  And that I’ll actually sell her for a good amount. That pig has been a real pain in my ass.

As far as getting back on track, I’m starting with this soup.  I needed something nourishing and healthy in my body.  When I opened up the jar of tomato juice I had frozen from last year’s garden, it smelled like summer.  Fresh tomato juice. The best!

I haven’t been eating well at all lately, which isn’t like me one bit.  Stress will do that to a person.  But why is it when one is stressed they always crave the bad food and drink and not the other way around?  They say if you listen to your body it will tell you what it needs.

You would think a stressed body would cry out for carrot sticks and kale, but instead mine screams for pizza, beer, chocolate, and French fries…. It make no sense to me.  But neither does kale… I prefer spinach. ~A