Baby Watch, March 7th

Friday’s morning commute to work was anything but enjoyable.  A cold night brought the snow back again just in time to kill off all the flowering tree buds and piss-off drivers.  I think we all knew this would happen.

Several trips to the barn were made during the night to check on the mare and the goat, just in case one decided to go into labor in this cold weather. Neither did, luckily.

Tonight the temperatures will be dipping back down to 33° F.  Way colder than it should be.  Again, several trips back and forth to the barn will be made.  Just in case…

It could have been a worse morning.  If it had gotten any colder there would have been a lot more ice.  Though I did pass many unfortunate commuters who were in the ditch, waiting for tow trucks.

But I have to admit, the snow was really pretty this morning.  And now, I’m totally, most completely done with it and I hope to not see it again until December.

So here we are, the “baby watch” continues on…  ~A